know the difference between success and value

Try not to become a man of success , rather become a man of value .      

   We thinks to be succeed in life , many of us become success as of their hard work , passion and skill . But for what the success stands for ? 
- some would say that the success stands for tremendous achievements in life , some would say its mean to do hard work with passion , and some would may be thinking of that the success stands for having a lots of money  

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 Now lets understand that for what the success stands for :-
The visualization of success is now much different , people assumes that success is mean to earn money  and having good luxury . It is totally wrong, success means to having your own satisfactions on your achievements of life . life is only to make yourself and your enviroment more beautiful and happy .  If you are able to do so , I would say you are most successful person . life is mean to be fit and happy . I have seen many people who wants their success no matter that they should try to make their value first that is more essential in the life and also found that they want their success as of their salary or income, not as of their passion and zeal . Value  ,respect ,memories and knowledge  are only the  things that would never go from you . you would earn money  and would spend while living . you can not  take them with you . 

fight for value :-
Value is the only thing that human try to make in this world of challenges , troubles and achievement .And this should be in every one that they should try to make their  value for their society ,for their world .if you have value and respect , I would say you need not need to earn just  follow your passion and dream , every thing would be convenient in your life . Cristiano ronaldo the famous footballer has not followed his passion not because of money , he followed his dream because he have a zeal in football.Now he earns love and respect and have a value in whole world . so try to make your value rather than following dream for money . Follow your dreams but not for money ever . 

success would be loading automatically , just make your value first .
- Ayush mishra ( you tube channel   

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Unknown said…
Well done ayush, we will start reading your blog in our classes to motivate them.
Chandan kumar said…
bravo! bro, ! Am so glade.

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