A mesage from poem about corona pandemic

A poem by Ayush Mishra to convey a message of corona pandemic .

The first poem of the Ayush Mishra (author of this blog) written on the pandemic corona virus . After closely observing the impact on the corona virus in world this poem has prepared to explain many thoughts and situations while corona pandemic . The poem has all the things that we convey to others in this critical situation by our words in a poetry language . So here is the poem read it and share to others in your community if you seems a true message in the poem .

POEM TITLE- Don't be panic from corona attack

From china to world , the corona spread
now many are suffering & many have dead,
Don't be panic from corona attack
make a hope that we would comeback ,
stay at home and pray for best
if you observe symptoms of corona ,
go to doctor and make a test.
it's not only about you ,
it is also about nation
please maintain hygiene and sanitation
let's be strong for corona defuse
thanks to doctors and media news .

not for the further corona trouble
wash your hands at a regular interval
to spend your time , be with social media
read sometime books & sometime Wikipedia
I pray for you all to be fit and fine
it's time of lockdown for quarantine

poet- Ayush Mishra (author)

This poem means that the virus get rise from china to whole world and many are now suffering from this virus and many have lost their life. it also convey the message to be with hope that we would make a comeback against corona , says thanks to doctors and other essential service providers while this pandemic . so keeping washing hands at a regular interval and be fit and fine and enjoy life without any tension .
Quote of the day:-
Take up an ideas . Make that one idea your life think of it , dream of it , live on that idea. Let the brain muscles, nerve ; every part of your body be full of that Idea. - This is the way to success.
                   by - Swami Vivekananda

comment your feedback and ideas in below comment section .
         (a Ayush Mishra initiative )



Ayush said…
Wow ! Wonderful poem
Unknown said…
Remarkable poem ayush,this poem mesmerized me while reading.
Ayush said…
Thanks so much for continous supporting me

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