common fears and how to face it ?

What are the some most  common fear & why should you face the fear?( some books you must read to overcome your fear).  

There is many nagativity  in our life that are holding us back . From all of that nagativity there is a  a biggest nagativity that is called Fear .Everyone has once difinitely faced fear in his/her life related to something .There are some common fear that mostly people face in their life initial interval .There is a reason that why should you face , so this is becuse to more toughen yourself .  So to bring positivity in your life , you should read some books to overcome your fear because books are the source of knowledge and intellect that inspires and gives us a way or vision of life circumstances .
What are the some most common fear ?

There are many fears that are faced by many people and they all are now very common :-

-In virtually every group this is #1 fear that the vast majority of people are terrified about speaking in front of a group of people .
2. FEAR OF WORD "NO" - Fear of hearing word 'no' or having rejected is the biggest fear mostly in the youngster. As of this fear many people still not try to do something only because of the fear of  rejection and they many times give up .

3. FEAR OF TALKING TO SOMEONE HIGHER FROM THEIR LEVEL- Many times people face fear in talking to someone higher from their post or level . They even hasitate to make small talk to them and because of fear sometimes they say something silly or appear stupid .

4. FEAR OF "FAILURE" -Failure is one of that situation , that everyone faces in their life but having a fear of failure is something very worst because failure is a kind of teacher that gives us everytime a lesson to learn .Failure is not be afraid of , this is only to face and learn. 
Why should you face the fear ?

Answer- There is a famous quote that 'if you want to be successful, you must be willing to be uncomfortable'.To achieve your goals and realize your potential you must be willing to be uncomfortable .So do the things you are afraid of - thats how you would develop your potential . Facing fears is method of toughing your internal power .

Here are some top books(name) to overcome your fear  :-

#1.Rjection proof(author-Jia Jiang)-You should read this book if you have fear  of rejection and want to overcome it.Rejection is that one fear from which mostly people give up and not try again .This book would inspire you to take action against the fear of rejection .

#2. FEAR(author-Thick nhat hanh) - Many people thinks of past or anxious about future and have a kind by thinking of past or future . This book would help you in this case where  you want to get rid from the fear of past & is anxious about future .

#3. Daring greatly (author-Brene brown) -  If you are afraid of being hurt and criticised by others , so you must read this book because this book would enhance your willpower and confidence by author written events and situations .

So know your fear , face that fear and then overcome that fear . 

- Ayush mishra (author )


Unknown said…
Karan, ayush i really flabbergasted by your writing, i found impressive writing skill there. It's really blow my mind, when i was reading. Amazing work ayush.

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