How to do practice for ''politeness'' habit .

How do we should practice for ''politeness'' in our life?

You all would have amazed by the heading of the blog that -how can we practice for politeness in our life ? yes it is totally true that we can practice for politeness in our life . It has been a big concern that now days humans have lost their politeness in their life and that is why today we would learn how to be polite ? Here are some crucial tips to become polite person.

what is mean to be polite ? 
ANSWER - polite means having regards for others in manner , speech and behavior and it is a positive action of human . 

1. Be friendly and approachable  
 Whenever you approach someone in  party or any meeting , be with a smile and extend your hand and offer a warm greeting to them . Be confident and cheerful at that time . This action would help you to create a positive personality of your own and would always impressing everyone whom you meet .

2.use polite words and language always 
Now a days people are becoming desensitized to foul language and making harsh comments ,but they all have now many excuse to use foul language and harsh comment . Being polite might not have any dramatic effect you want but it would be very lovely to those people who would listen you .

3.Pay attention to your every moments
It is now common to everyone that all people have habit of having their smartphone or cellphone in their hand and that is one of the reason to not be polite . So put your cell phone in your pocket and pay attention to the person you are with . Ideally you should turn off your phone or put it in silent mode and should enjoy the moment you are with currently . 

4. Make enough  space with others 
It means that you should spend much of your time with them  whom you have a close relation because many get busy in their with those whom they have not any relation still they are spending much of their time with them . So live with your family it would give you a polite surrounding to you .  

5. Do not share everything you know to others 
Giving too much information too soon is rude and may be not appropriate , because it makes others uncomfortable if they are not interested to know about you and your mindset . So learn to make small talks with new acquaintance and save the heartfelt conversation for your close friends .

 So this introspection topic is much your social life , learn by this blog and comment us your result after this practice . 
              - AYUSH MISHRA 


Ayush said…
You are making us regularly informed about new ideas .
Unknown said…
Fantastic! AYUSH, it's very important for everyone life politeness to enhance our capabilities.

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