How to stop shopaholic habit in you ?


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It is a big concern that today's generation have very much passion of shopping and  marketing in malls and shopping complexes .  This shopping virus  has now influenced many of people and still influencing many people, This virus cause that disease that can't be treated by any doctor and medicine  , this can be only treated by some prevention and awareness . Many of us often hits by sudden urge to buy things that have no utility in our daily life .It is the symbolism of shopaholic in you and exciting discounts makes it more effective and people get more attracted to shopping . It not means that doing shopping for household is wrong rather it means that doing shopping out of our utility , out of our daily use is wrong . 
It happens with many people in market and they get attracted to those materials and stuff that have no utility in their life.
Now lets understand how to stop this habit :-

  •  Track  your expenditure - The habit of tracking  expenditure should be embraced by everyone  because this helps in maintaining expenses log . It gives a very clear data and analysis about your  money and your savings .It helps you to see your mindless shopping ,as you would be able to see spending clearly .
  • Reduce visiting mall and shopping complex time :- we are mostly not dire need for anything still we visit malls and shops that also results in increase in expenditure as well as in your shopping habit because when ever we visit malls and shops for just wandering sometimes we wish to buy something that have no utility but looks attractive and without thinking more we buy them and that is the shopaholic . So to stop this habit, reduce the time of visiting malls and shopping complex .
  • Make a positive hobby to make far distance from shopping :- This idea is the best idea to be far from shopping and to make focus on a positive hobby because often we do shopping when we not find any interest in others things and that attracts us to shopping . 
This habit is very instant influencing habit and from habit it becomes a kind of disease . So never be much passionate to shopping because it now is not only the matter of expenditure but also of your mental health .  

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                                - AYUSH MISHRA 


Hey ayush good job
But it becomes quite irritating to read all page so bold some important points or make some points italic or different from slide. Don't only write paragraphs and only some points as nobody reads it only they see important points.
I not understand properly what you want to convey to me , I understand that i should bold some points but can you help me to clear your points on my blogs . My audience is the first priority for me and they most valuable for me also . You are my one of the audience and it is my duty to serve you best . thanks so much for your positive feedback .

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